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How Our Communities Are Coming Together to Help Feed Precinct 2


Nothing screams TEAMWORK than the awesome work Commissioner Garcia and team are doing to help Precinct families. Since COVID-19 started to affect Harris County, and businesses began to shut down, many resources became limited for some of the residents in our Precinct. This caused a domino effect: small business owners closed their businesses, people lost their jobs, lost income, which then caused limited food accessibility, and the list goes on. That is when Commissioner Garcia and team stepped up and brainstormed some ways we could help those who were the most vulnerable. With Precinct 2 being the highest in poverty levels, something needed to be done as soon as possible.


It did not take long for various departments to act quickly and collaborate with non-profit organizations, including the Houston Food Bank and the Houston Humane Society to help bring food to the tables of Precinct 2 residents and their pets. Selected Community Centers, Parks, including an Annex, have opened their doors to deliver FREE LUNCHES through the week in a Drive-thru style. 

Whether it’s a lunch giveaway, food supply distribution, meals for seniors, or mask distributions, Precinct 2 is helping over thousands of families every week, while also supporting five small catering businesses in Precinct 2.

Just below, you will see our impact last week. Every week changes— every week there is more need; Commissioner Garcia knows this. That is why every week we are working to do the very best that we can to increase the resources and help those who are in need.

May 1st

The communities asked, the Commissioner answered! The battle is still not over, and Precinct 2 team along with Commissioner Garcia are working to make sure no one in the community is left behind, and we really mean no one.

puppy 2

To learn about the every-day-opportunities, please follow our social media channels. (Facebook: Harris County Precinct 2; Instagram and Twitter: HarrisCoPct2)