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Supporting our Elderly and Resources Available

We have been doing some research about best ways you can support our seniors during this time. We found this great article with a great list to follow.

Also, we have included a list of resources for seniors that's currently available Harris County wide. We will be updating as more resources become available.  

Check on them:

Set aside a time to call, Skype or FaceTime with relatives as often as you’re able.

Ask questions. 

How are they feeling? Are they frightened? Have you eaten today? What have you eaten? Are you drinking fluids?

Make doorstep drop-offs.

Even if you can’t go inside, you can drop puzzles, books and photos at the door.

Get cultured.

Ask how they are spending their day; engage them on topics like books and movies.

Ask how you can help.

Ask direct, pointed questions about how you can make this uncertain time easier. Do they need grocery delivery? Do they want more information about the virus itself? Can you order them cleaning products, or help to explain what they’re seeing on the news? Ask directly what they’re confused about, uncertain about or scared about.

Provide reassurance. 

Yes, it’s a scary time even for healthy adults. But we also live in an area that’s rich in resources. If your parents are local, you can certainly tell them that, while this is daunting, “We luckily live in a time and a location where we have access to the latest information instantly, as it comes out. We’re analyzing that information. We’re reading and carefully curating 

Thank them for staying home.

If your parents are active and do not quite understand that a game of bridge or a trip to the market is needlessly risky, frame your request to stay home as a thank you, not an order. Say, “Thank you for doing your part by staying home, by trying to not increase contacts with the outside world. It’s hard, it’s really hard, but: You’re a big part of the team that’s helping on a larger scale.


Precinct 2 is continuing their homebound meals program. If you know if a senior that needs help with meals, please call our call center at 713-274-2490 available Monday thru Friday from 8am to 4pm.

Non-emergency medical transportation -- 713-696-1991 (elderly and disabled demand response trips for medical appts)

RIDES Program-- 713-368-7433 (elderly and disabled demand response trips not just medical)

Housing and Community Resource Center (referrals to community resources including housing, food and basic needs) 832-927-4955

Emergency Utility Assistance (utility assistance for disconnects for low-income households --  below 80% area median income ) 713-696-7900 (phone appointments only at this time)